
Showing posts from January, 2022

Does Love Hurt?

 When loves seems to hurt, it is really Love causing the pain? And why would love spell backwards be so close to the word evil? The 'O' is change into 'I' as though individual responsibility determines which form takes presidence. Wisdom says in order to experience love one must have patients, humility, and unselfishness " 1 Cor 13: 4-7"; and oxymoron because while one is in the process of being patient, humble, and unselfish, one does not always feel loving. In fact one most likely will experience frustration and even anger when loving.  Wow, so as one exercises love we deal with some of the same emotions that evil provokes within us and it's the 'I' that makes the difference on how these emotions cause us to react.  Love hurts us? No, I disagree. Would you say it's was the bullet proof vest that hurts you after it cushions the blow of the bullet? Yes, you would have bruies, and these bruises hurt but your life would be saved by the vest.  Lov

Forget not thy self

 You look into the river and see a reflection of yourself, it begins to rain and your self imagine is distorted. Is the distortion a reality of your image, or merely a false truth? How can what your eyes see not be your reality, your mind asks? And how can your mind protect you from the distortion caused by the rain?  Your eyes are the river! When the weather is clear in our life's we see our selfs clearly, we understand who we are and what we stand for. But then it starts to rain and we start to believe the distorted imagines around us: the divorce, the money issues, the insecurities, and the loniness. We began to believe these distortions and forget the true reflection of what we look like and who we are. Yes, the rain is real but the problem is when we start to believe the distortion is really our self image. Walt Whitman said: "Either define the moment or the moment will define you." No, we cannot control the rain, but within us we hold the power to use faith as an um